Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Thank You, MASN ! Part Two

As expected, I was a bundle of nerves heading to Nationals Park. Traffic and public transport set up unnecessary delays and then when the inside of the stadium was closed off until 5:30 and I was supposed to be at the media entrance at 5:30, I was a pacing mess. Of course, there was no need to worry. as I made it there in plenty of time and had to wait for the other winners, but I am not the best with luck.

There were more people milling around than I had figured, and Mr. Rizzo was talking to the Marlins manager so we had to wait, but that was fine because Drew Storen was right there. Well, not as right there as the picture would make it seem- that's all zoom, but close enough to turn if someone were to call his name, which no one did. Opportunity missed.

 There are some nice heads of hair on the Nationals. I'm impressed.

 I didn't know Andre Dawson was a coach on the Marlins. Another winner was a huge Expos fan and was so eager to meet him.

A shot of me waiting to speak to Mike Rizzo. This would be the disastrous first time I did when he walked up to me shook my hand and said, "Hi, I'm Mike Rizzo." and I said, "Oh, I know." Thinking I'm an idiot, he moved on. Luckily I was able to redeem myself slightly.

Let me say right here, this is a charming man. He had the keen listening skills, staring in your eyes as you talk thing down. I may have gotten a little swoony as he rested his hand on my hip for our picture...
Right before this picture I was able to say that I admired the work he was doing and that I couldn't wait to see what he got for Ian Desmond in the off-season. He laughed loudly and said that was a trick question. Later I got him to sign my program as well- luckily I had a pen because my ever-present Sharpie was missing from my bag, and then it was time to head back off the field and to the seats.

I managed to vent my Desmond rant to the usher of the section, saying a yardstick had more range than him, etc. so that was out of my head, but then I saw that Michael Morse was out for the day. The left field seats were not completely wasted though because Roger Bernadina was there instead, so Reginald the Shark was not brought in vain.

Reginald is actually half shark and half puma- a long story of playing Frankenstein with beanie babies...

If asked, I think Screech is at the top of my list of Nationals I'd like to meet, but this was as close as he got.

The less said about the actual game, the better. A shut-out to the Marlins? Really? Still, it was a fantastic experience and great seats. I am very grateful for the opportunity.

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